
De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito
The De Havilland Mosquito DH.98 was a combat aircraft made to conduct air raids, it was operated by Britain and allied forces during World War II.

The Allied forces communicated with Norway over three years if Knaben should be sabotaged or bombed to stop the molybdenum production, and if it was morally responsible choice towards the workers and their families. Eventually, a new defence minister was instated, after receiving information about the Germans mocking why Knaben has still not been sabotaged by Norway and the Allied forces. He swiftly decided to approve of the air raid, rather than the sabotage, which would have likely saved more lives.

The Mosquito was the aircraft model used by the unit No. 139 Squadron RAF to bomb Knaben March 3rd, 1943. The attack was estimated to halter the molybdenum production for around 11 months, which weighted more as a ‘necessary sacrifice’ of the workers, rather than acting on morals. Thirteen Norwegian workers were killed from the attack and one german soldier, another 23 were injured. While forced to clean up the remaining timed bombs dropped in the attack, three russian prisoners of war were killed by the explosions. The molybdenum production in Knaben was back in only 2 months, leading to another air raid a year later.

Anti-tank obstacle

Czech Hedgehog

Anti-tank obstacles were created to sabotage and defend in war, many still remain after WWII along the Atlantic Wall. Different shapes of anti-tank obstacles can still be found abandoned in different sites along the Norwegian coast, some were moved in a pattern which resembles stones in a graveyard. The different anti-tank obstacle shapes include buoy, dragon teeth, boxes, jersey barrier, tetrahedron, caltrops and tridents.

The Czech Hedgehog (Czech: ‘rozsocháč’) was an anti-tank obstacle created by Major František Kašík during WWI in Czechoslovakias border fortification against the threat of a German invasion. It´s shape sprung from the original made concrete, but was much more effective for its shape, dimensions and being made in heavy steel.
The original hedgehog was bolted together with plates, and later welded together. The legs were made of three angled, I-shaped or U-shaped steel, three steel plates, held together with nuts and bolts. The modern versions have exceeded the original 140 cm length, weighing a total of 300 kg. It was used together with barbed wires, to constrict movement and functioned as protection agains machine guns.
During WWII the hedgehog became widely used by the Soviet Union, proving useful in urban environment. It became less effective in the development of the newer tanks such as the German Panther.


Big Bertha
The Minenwerfer-Gerät, 42 centimetre kurze Marinekanone 14 L/12 or Big Bertha.

Aenean lorem urna, tempus ac rhoncus vel, lacinia eu velit. In non quam eu odio molestie consectetur ac quis nisi. Curabitur ultrices metus iaculis nisi auctor, vitae ornare lorem interdum. Nullam faucibus dui et quam iaculis mattis. Proin quis ultricies est, ut posuere tortor. Proin tempus mauris lacus, sollicitudin varius ex dapibus eu. Nam feugiat mollis convallis. Nam convallis neque ut urna pretium aliquam. Duis malesuada quam fermentum, mollis ligula et, lobortis mi. Vestibulum et enim ligula. Nam sit amet faucibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at pretium massa.

Light Microscope

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla massa massa, sit amet molestie orci suscipit sed. Ut tincidunt eleifend felis sit amet suscipit. Nulla accumsan diam enim. Integer scelerisque, velit vitae accumsan tempor, quam ex vestibulum elit, eget volutpat elit ipsum id ante. Morbi condimentum quis elit in finibus. Donec accumsan feugiat varius. Etiam ac libero at lectus blandit vulputate.

Aenean lorem urna, tempus ac rhoncus vel, lacinia eu velit. In non quam eu odio molestie consectetur ac quis nisi. Curabitur ultrices metus iaculis nisi auctor, vitae ornare lorem interdum. Nullam faucibus dui et quam iaculis mattis. Proin quis ultricies est, ut posuere tortor. Proin tempus mauris lacus, sollicitudin varius ex dapibus eu. Nam feugiat mollis convallis. Nam convallis neque ut urna pretium aliquam. Duis malesuada quam fermentum, mollis ligula et, lobortis mi. Vestibulum et enim ligula. Nam sit amet faucibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at pretium massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla massa massa, sit amet molestie orci suscipit sed. Ut tincidunt eleifend felis sit amet suscipit. Nulla accumsan diam enim. Integer scelerisque, velit vitae accumsan tempor, quam ex vestibulum elit, eget volutpat elit ipsum id ante. Morbi condimentum quis elit in finibus. Donec accumsan feugiat varius. Etiam ac libero at lectus blandit vulputate.

Aenean lorem urna, tempus ac rhoncus vel, lacinia eu velit. In non quam eu odio molestie consectetur ac quis nisi. Curabitur ultrices metus iaculis nisi auctor, vitae ornare lorem interdum. Nullam faucibus dui et quam iaculis mattis. Proin quis ultricies est, ut posuere tortor. Proin tempus mauris lacus, sollicitudin varius ex dapibus eu. Nam feugiat mollis convallis. Nam convallis neque ut urna pretium aliquam. Duis malesuada quam fermentum, mollis ligula et, lobortis mi. Vestibulum et enim ligula. Nam sit amet faucibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at pretium massa.


Scanning Electron Microscope

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla massa massa, sit amet molestie orci suscipit sed. Ut tincidunt eleifend felis sit amet suscipit. Nulla accumsan diam enim. Integer scelerisque, velit vitae accumsan tempor, quam ex vestibulum elit, eget volutpat elit ipsum id ante. Morbi condimentum quis elit in finibus. Donec accumsan feugiat varius. Etiam ac libero at lectus blandit vulputate.

Aenean lorem urna, tempus ac rhoncus vel, lacinia eu velit. In non quam eu odio molestie consectetur ac quis nisi. Curabitur ultrices metus iaculis nisi auctor, vitae ornare lorem interdum. Nullam faucibus dui et quam iaculis mattis. Proin quis ultricies est, ut posuere tortor. Proin tempus mauris lacus, sollicitudin varius ex dapibus eu. Nam feugiat mollis convallis. Nam convallis neque ut urna pretium aliquam. Duis malesuada quam fermentum, mollis ligula et, lobortis mi. Vestibulum et enim ligula. Nam sit amet faucibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at pretium massa.


In the mines the workers were exposed dust pollution, increasingly contaminating their respiratory system. When Knaben got occupied, the production increased by three times. Introduing the workers to machinery which produced increasingly more dust in the air than previously.
During the occupation, no incidents of illness nor death was officially documented–only in personal records or diaries.


German panzers

With technology and knowledge of increasing the durability of steel with molybdenum, the new and more effective ‘heavy tanks’ were produced. This included the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther ‘Panther’, Sonderkraftfahrzeug 181 ‘Panzer VI’ or ‘Tiger I’, and Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausführung E ‘Tiger II’.